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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

What are PARABENS? Are they dangerous?

Parabens are a class of chemicals widely used as preservatives in cosmetic products as shampoos, tooth paste, facial and body creams, sun protective creams etc. They are widely used in baby cosmetic products as well! No cosmetic can ever be truly "natural"no matter what the manufacturer claims, but some ingredients are closer than others. Parabens have long been considered an ideal compromise and until quite recently were considered one of the safest preservative methods available. But an article published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology has cast doubt on the safety of parabens and, especially, their potential role in the development of some types breast cancers. My question is: Are parabens safe? I reviewed some articles bellow:
Parabens are usually found in most baby products Manufacturers use them in their products as a preservative. If you want to check you products to see if there is a paraben in the baby product you are using, check for these commonly used preservatives (namely methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and butylparaben), which are listed on labels. The have recently been identified as xenoestrogens. An xenoestrogen is a synthetic compounds that mimics the sex hormone estrogen.
These parabens are absorbed very quickly into the babies blood stream. It bypasses the gastrointestinal tract where it might have been broken down so cosmetic products are one of the worst ways to be absorbed by the body.
In the July 2002 issue of the Archives of Toxicology , Dr. S. Oishi of the Department of Toxicology, Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health, Japan, reported that exposure of newborn male mammals to butylparaben "adversely affects the secretion of testosterone and the function of the male reproductive system. “Butylparaben had an adverse effect on the male mouse reproductive system and that it damaged the late steps of spermatogenesis in the testis,” “4A dose-dependent decrease of both round and elongated spermatid counts in stages VII-VIII seminiferous tubules was observed, and the elongated spermatide counts were significantly lower in all of the treated groups. The serum testosterone concentration decreased in a dose-dependent fashion and was significant at 1.00%. These data demonstrated that butylparaben can exert an adverse effect on the male reproductive system at doses that are well below those of the accepted daily intake."
If you have young girls I'm sure you couldn't help but notice this growing trend of sexual development at younger and younger ages. Pediatrician and increasingly reporting the appearance of puberty in girls as young as two. There have even been some reported cases of girls having their periods in kindergarten.
Lotions, soaps and cosmetics may all be contributing factors to these reproductive abnormalities. Women of child bearing age as well as babies should avoid parabens as a precaution.

Paraben and Breast cancer

Scientists have known for some time that parabens can mimic the effect of estrogen when used on lab animals but in early 2004, British researchers from the University of Reading announced that they had found parabens in in the cancerous tumors of human breast cancer patients. Equally concerning is the fact that researchers believe that the form of parabens found in those tumors indicate that the parabens were absorbed topically and not taken orally. But most frightening is the fact that parabens were found in EVERY sample.
It's important to note that this was a very, very small study--only 20 women--and there's absolutely no way to tell what, if any, skin care products are implicated. Although the lead researcher has cautioned that there's no definitive proof that parabens actually cause breast cancers, he has already called for more study.
This research has fueled a popular belief that the parabens in underarm deodorants and other cosmetics can migrate into breast tissue and contribute to the development of tumors.

Sun exposure

Studies indicate that methylparaben applied on the skin may react with UVB leading to increased skin aging and DNA damage.
Should WE Be Concerned? Manufacturers are. Many of the leaders in the natural products industry have already announced plans to discontinue the use of parabens and more are expected to follow suit.
How do you know if your skin care products contain parabens? All cosmetics are required by law to carry full ingredient lists. If your skin care products don't have ingredients listed, or you can't find the preservative in the list, be suspicious. Be equally suspicious of manufacturers who claim to use only natural essential oils or grapefruit seed extract. In day-to-day usage, they just don't work as promised. Just because something is labelled organic does not mean paraben free. Read the labels!
One of the new preservatives being used today is Hydroxymethylglycinate, a derivative of the naturally occurring amino acid Glycine. It's considered extremely safe and seems to be less apt to cause allergic reactions than other preservatives.  If you have worries about parabens (I do:), seek out product lines that use biodegradable, nonhazardous and eco-friendly ingredients.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Soda bicarbonate - miracle remedy!?

What is it?
chemical formula NaHCO3, commonly known as baking soda, has long been used as a cleaning agent, but it also possesses remarkable health benefits. Bicarbonate of soda raises the blood's pH (Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body's biochemical reactions), creating an alkaline environment that fights infection and disease.
Other names:
Bi-carb soda, baking soda, soda bicarbonate etc. BE AWARE: There are some product eg. "baking powder" who are NOT 100% Soda bicarbonate. Eg. Baking powder contains aluminium based chemical as an 'anti-caking' agent.

Health benefits:
Stomach and digestion:
Drinking a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda will neutralise stomach acid and relieve the symptoms associated with acid reflux.
Kidney Stones:
Acidic urine promotes the formation of uric acid kidney stones. Drinking bicarbonate of soda lowers urine acidity, dissolves existing uric acid kidney stones, and prevents the development of new ones.
It is an irresistible chemical, 'cyanide to cancer cells' for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. (tumours are significantly more acidic compared to normal tissues)
Urinary Tract Infections:
bicarbonate of soda's alkalising effect kills the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. The reduction in acidity will relieve the burning sensation associated with the condition.
Bicarbonate of soda will ease many skin ailments, including acne, eczema, poison ivy, insect bites and sunburn. To treat acne, mix some bicarbonate of soda and water into a paste and apply it to the skin for 20 minutes.
During exercise, lactic acid builds up in the muscles and causes fatigue. Sodium of bicarbonate, with its ability to neutralise acid, acts as a buffering agent to preserve muscle performance and prolong endurance.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Is BPA dangerous? You might want to avoid it!

What is it?
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical  used to make polycarbonate plastic resins, epoxy resins, and other products.

Is BPA dangerous to our health?
A growing body of scientific research has linked the weak estrogenic compound bisphenol-A (BPA) to a variety of health problems, such as infertility, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

What contains BPA?
It is found in items or containers that come into contact with food or drink such as:
Polycarbonate Plastic - drinking vessels, baby bottles and plastic tableware
Synthetic Resins - coatings on the inside of almost all food and beverage cans

How do we identify if items contain BPA?
There are seven classes used to identify plastics used in packaging applications. It is the little number inside the recycle sign (plastic packaging resin identification code).
  1. Type 7 is the worst one, it includes polycarbonate (sometimes identified with the letters "PC" near the recycling symbol) and synthetic resins.
  2. Type 3 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, vinyl) can also contain bisphenol A as antioxidant in plasticisers.
  3. Types 1 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, PETE), 2 High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), 4 Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), 5 (polypropylene), and 6 (polystyrene) do not use bisphenol A during polymerization or package forming.
How to avoid release of BPA into our food and drink?
Search for more info, read labels. Avoid plastic, use glass for storage and reheating. Heat, acid (avoid canned tomatoes, tomato-based soups, citrus products, and acidic beverages like cokes), alcohol (avoid canned beverages since acids and alcohols can exacerbate the leaching of BPA), harsh detergents, age, and microwaving can also activate the release of BPA. Filter your drinking water, since BPA was found in it. Bottled water are NOT tested for BPA! Skip the water cooler. Those hard plastic five-gallon jugs that many companies use to provide their employees and customers with “pure” water are usually made of BPA-containing polycarbonate. Opt for tap water instead.

Now it is up to you whether you want to avoid BPA, that might have some potentional health risk.. But whatever you decide, please think before you buy anything, check the back of it and try to choose products with the recycle sign and after you use the content, RECYCLE IT  please! We have only one planet... :)

Monday, 16 May 2011

is FLUORIDE dangerous?

An ‘Ideal’ Environmental Solution that we or our kids are going to regret! ...

     Fluorine is the chemical element with atomic number 9, represented by the symbol F. It is the lightest halogen.   
     Fluoride is generated by aluminum, steel, fertilizer factories, coal burning power plants and in the production of glass and cement. Gaseous fluoride and other process waste byproducts have previously been allowed to be expelled through the factory smokestack. New environmental regulation now require "scrubbers" atop of smokestacks to remove these toxic chemicals from escaping in the air.

Where is it used?
      Despite its well-established role in the prevention of dental caries, fluoride is NOT considered an essential mineral element for mammals, including humans. Small amounts of fluoride provided by contamination may be beneficial for bone strength, but this is an issue only for formulation of specific artificial diets. Several fluorine compounds and elemental fluorine itself are dangerously toxic, whereas an increasing number of useful pharmaceuticals (about 10% of new drugs) are artificially produced fluorinated organic compounds.
      In the past, little attention was paid to the emission of gaseous fluorine compounds in the fertilizer industry. But today fluorine recovery is increasingly necessary because of stringent environmental restrictions which demand drastic reductions in the quantities of volatile and toxic fluorine compounds emitted in the waste gases. These compounds now have to be recovered and converted into harmless by-products for disposal or, more desirably, into marketable products.
Other research:
     These industries would have to pay dearly to dispose of their fluoride if they could not sell it to municipalities for adding to tap water.
     "In other words," says William Hirzy, a Senior EPA scientist, "fluoride that otherwise would be an air and water pollutant is no longer a pollutant as long as it's poured into your reservoir. The solution to pollution is dilution and in this case, the dilution is your drinking water."
      In 1983 Rebecca Hammer, the Deputy Assistant administrator in EPA's Office of Drinking Water, called fluoridation "an ideal environmental solution to a long standing problem."
      Fluoridation is not about "children's teeth". Rather, it is about industry ridding itself of crude hazardous waste products, silicofluorides, for a profit. Silicofluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally-occurring calcium fluoride.
      Fluoride is more toxic than lead and like lead in minute doses, accumulates in and can be damaging to brain/mind development of children, producing abnormal behavior in animals and reducing IQ in humans, especially in conjunction with deficiencies of key nutrients such as calcium, iodine and vitamins. It can also contribute to many disease processes. Because it is almost as toxic as arsenic, fluoride's ability to play havoc in the human body should surprise no one.
    There is as much, or more, dental decay in fluoridated communities as there is in the non-fluoridated areas; however, the dental costs are higher in fluoridated communities due to dental fluorosis. Drinking fluoridated water may delay decay, but it does not prevent it.

     A small tube of fluoridated toothpaste could kill an infant!

     Would you eat a band-aid if you cut yourself? So if you agree that toothpaste with Fluoride is good for you, keep using it! But why to get toxic Fluoride into your body otherwise??


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Get rid of harmfull toxins! Cleanse your body!

These amazing bottles have "saved" my life! I have been very depressed lately (about 2-3 years) and had horrible tummy pain for over a year. I did some research on-line and from that day my life started to change radically! Everything was happening for a reason.. I decided to have "colon hydrotherapy" as it looked like I might have a sick colon and from colon all the depression, bloating, constipation, mood swings etc.. Colon hydrotherapy is amazing! Highly addictive:) You feel so much lighter and brighter! Anyway, this lady there told me I have a Candida in my colon, she told me to drink Chlorophyll and Aloe Vera juice (not the one you can get in normal shop, full of sugar), also recommended me to consider eating ORGANIC food. YES organic sounds great! I did search for shops and markets around our area and found one market very close. Went there one Sunday. On the way back, the very last stand was a lady with some health products (now I know it was Isagenix:) and she had a label on it saying CANDIDA. Hmm I stopped and asked. Next thing I remember:) is I am mixing my own Isa-lean shake of Isagenix at home few days later:) I bought 30 days cleansing program. I LOVE IT!! My tummy problems are almost gone!

I started on 67,7 kilos and now I am exactly 62,0. So I lost over 5 kilograms over one month. I am 175cm tall so I don't really need to loose more. I also don't have floppy arms anymore, instead I have nice tonned muscles. I love to share good things! Please feel free to ask me anything!:) I can't be without this product!:) I feel so much better, brighter and lighter! So happy!

PS: On the photo it is really me and I swear I didn't pull my tummy out for the first pic, it was that bloated! I actually tried to push it in so I don't look so disgusting but it was VERY painful:(

Also notice my cellulitis is gone from my legs!

Another ways how to detox your body:
http://www.ionicdetoxfootbath.com.au/?gclid=COTpk6yi_agCFQvbbgodBECBRw (with this one be very careful!, there is so many places out there, where they have cheap, very similar devices that doesn't work!, they emit electricity as well but instead of cleansing your body, they disolve the sank metal into the water to make it coloured...) - I got caught on it myself...:) But its up to you, it is an alternative how to cleanse your body.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

MSG- harmfull or harmless?

What is MSG?
     Japanese cooks have traditionally used Kombu (seaweed), to flavour broth and stew. In 1908 a Japanese scientist, named Kikunae Ikeda, became curious about why his wife used Kombu to season the family's soup. Later  Ikeda isolated the flavour enhancing component of kombu. He identified it as sodium salt of glutamic acid, or monosodium glutamate.  By 1933, monosodium glutamate had become an important, even a predominant, ingredient in flavouring Asian food. But, it wasn't until World War II that the United States became intrigued by this potent flavour enhancing powder.

Where can we find MSG?
     In almost everything. The canned food, the Doritos, the potato chips, salad dressings.. Some products have something called Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, which is just another name for Monosodium Glutamate. MSG is hidden under many different names in order to fool those who catch on.
   Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell, every restaurant, even the sit down ones use MSG in abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST offender: MSG is in every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy. Some blame obesity on MSG. They say MSG is so addictive that people keep coming to places like Mc Donald's because they 'need' it for thei addiction.


So why is MSG in so may of the foods we eat? Why some write with big letter 'MSG free'? Is it a harmfull chemical or perhaps a harmless "salt"?

Great link: http://chinesefood.about.com/od/healthconcerns/p/MSG.htm